Along our spiritual journey there are many openings or shifts that occur. Shifts in our sense of self. New understandings. Altered perspectives. Insight. Evocative experiences of energy. Light. Love. Joy. Spaciousness. Freedom. All this is a part of a process.

And nothing is lost in the process. The process is evolutionary and increasingly inclusive. The multi-dimensional reality of who we are flows together at higher orders of integration. What is called ego continues to live on it’s own level. Our minds and bodies continue to exist even though they may seem transparent to the deeper reality of who we are.

As long as we inhabit these human bodies we continue to live this life, and hopefully we continue to appreciate the value of living human and do not fall into the idea that life is an illusion to ignore.

And as increasing inclusion takes place, some change needs to occur to make way for an integrated wholeness. We may find personality or psychological changes occur to adapt to higher orders of presence and relationship. What we respond to may take a different or alternative focus. The limitations of mental, physical and emotional conditioning from this life, and those conditionings impressed upon our souls from prior lives loosen and eventually may resolve and be released.

What is surprising is that if one has entered into Awakening, not only at the early stages, but even advanced stages, there continues to be a process of deconditioning, inclusion and integration. You may have heard that Awakening resolves all inner conflict, reactivity and conditioning. That’s simply not true. And those who tell you that have not looked closely enough.

This process of deconditioning is a true gift of the spiritual process. It is a gift of Grace. It is Grace that catalyzes each stage of Awakening. And it is Grace that initiates deconditioning.

And then thinking forward, what if all the stages of Awakening currently known are just the early phases of the spiritual path?

There are many teachings, ancient, traditional, or modern that have mapped out the spiritual process and where it can take us with the presumption that all the stages of Awakening have been identified. On what authority can any of us conclude when the end point of the spiritual process is realized?

And yet maps of stages of awakening, maps of the spiritual journey, are very useful. When we do “achieve” a step or stage laid out in the map, we feel the joy and/or relief of accomplishment. We can rest for a while, enjoy, and take in the “sights”. And we can look forward to moving on to the next spiritual destination on the map. As long as the map has another destination to travel to.

As much as we may believe and value that one or another teaching is complete, what if it’s not? Teachings can only communicate that which has been known or discovered. The maps of spiritual unfoldment cannot identify destinations that have not yet been encountered. Or explored. Or realized. They cannot reflect the great unknowns that the human soul may be moving towards but that we have not yet even imagined.

You may prefer to believe the maps are complete. You may have identified a goal for yourself. That may be all you need. You’re satisfied. You understand what is needed to move towards your goal. You may not particularly care if the journey never ends. Maybe you just want to get your mind, body, emotions to a better “place.” Get on a better “track.”

That’s great! I support you in that.

But when you reach your goal, after the honeymoon with your newly established stage of awakening, you may come to feel that you’re not quite done. The spiritual process may continue to push you forward,even if you have no yearning for more. And fortunately, as I propose here, there is always more to reach for, even when we don’t know it’s there to reach.

– Joel


It Never Ends